Saturday 30 October 2010

Your Questions Answered! If you happen to be Hannah or Matt...

The number of replies to the 'tell me what to blog' post exceeded expectations, I wasn't even expecting one reply!

So, as I said, I will answer your questions, first is Hannahs list:

- First pet?

Really I had 2 first pets, if that makes sense. When I was 8 or so my aunt's cat Patsy had kittens and Mum and Dad decided we could have two of them, we called them Tom and Tilly. Sadly Tilly died in a car crash :'(. Her brother Tom is still going strong though, he's the bestest cat evar!

- What colours are you wearing now?
I'm wearing navy blue jeans, a blue top with a red/white/slight hint of Union flag even though it isnt a colour. so basically, I am wearing blue.

- Weirdest thing you've eaten?
Liver. Definitely liver. Mum tried to feed it to us one night but didn't tell me and my sister what it was. I worked it out though! I know thats not all that wierd, but when it comes to food I stick to what I know 

- Where've you gone on holiday? (or favourite holiday)
Best holiday is Root Hill camp, by far. It might not be fancy but it feels more like home than anywhere else. The most exotic holiday I've been on? Egypt

- Close your eyes and grab an object near you. What is it?
Xbox controller!

- Closest pink thing?
The closest pink thing to me is the dvd box set of The Simpsons, season 3

- Most awesome thing you own?
That really depends on your own perception of awesome to provide some kind of scale to measure my awesome possesions against. Tis a hard question for that exact reason. Time for a top 5! In no particular order:

1. 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
2. A scale replica of Master Cheif's MJOLNIR MK. VI Helmet
3. My phone! Theres nothing it can't do!
4. A fully automatic belt-fed Nerf gun
5. My newly aquired Gameboy Colour

- On the pointless scale of 4-12, how pointless is this?
I'd put it somewhere in the vicinity of 'Fish'

- Why?

- "Well do ya, do ya do ya wanna?"
Yes? It depends if you're actually asking me something or simply quoting Franz Ferdinand

- How many times have you listened to the whole DFTBA playlist now?
I'm about halfway through the second playthrough I believe, its hard to tell exactly.
- What's your favourite song on the playlist?
There are too many made of awesome songs to decide on a single favorite! All Caps are shaping up to be my favorite artist though, they do it just right.

- "Do you like me, yes or no? Do you think that I am cute? Would you date me? You can say maybe. I just have to know!"
Again, this is out of context! Is it an actually a slew of questions or are you simply quoting All Caps at me?

I've put in some check boxes for you to mark your answer:
Yes: [] or No: []

(This song came on on the playlist as I was writing this! Spooky)

- Where is your phone atm?

Taiwan :(. My lame replacement phone is beside me though, in all its £10 glory

- Is pineapple meant to be on pizzas?
I wouldn't ever say it was meant to be on Pizza and I'd never order it, but if a hawaiian was put in front of me, I'd probably still eat it.

-Chocolate or sweets?
Sweets! Haribo FTW!

- Where is your favourite place to be?
With my friends, I couldn't care less as to physical location so long as they were there with me

- Would you like a hug?
Always :)

- Close your eyes and think of a colour. Did you really close your eyes?
Yes I did! because if I didn't close my eyes I would have to answer no :(. The colour was Teal btw.

- Favourite colour?
Teal! or if you want specifics, 'Hawk Turquoise' from the Games Workshop line of miniature paints

- Favourite animal?
Thats a hard one! I think some kind of bird would be my favorite animal, I'd love to fly! In reality though, it's probably cats

- Favourite youtuber?
Saving the hard ones til last eh? I think the Vlogbrothers hold that title for now but wheezywaiter is a very close second!

- Should I stop asking questions now? :)
 You seem to have answered that question yourself by not asking anymore questions! I will allow this however

As for Matt C's question: which bothers you more, Russell T Davies' destruction of Gallifrey or JJ Abrams' destruction of Vulcan?

Destroying Vulcan made no sense! yeah Nero was mad, but he didn't need to do that! What I mean to say is that the destruction of Vulcan wasn't really necessary, but then again neither was the destruction of Gallifrey. The difference is that Gallifrey being sealed in the Time War added to the overall narrative of Doctor Who, whereas I dont think that destroying Vulcan really added to anything to Star Trek. That's just my thoughts on it anyway, what's your opinion Matt? Let me know in the comments

So that's the questions I revieved answered, if you have more, feel free to ask more! 



  1. i'd basically agree with you on the sci-fi planets thing. i think it's a shame Gallifrey got burnt, but it's an important aspect of DW as we know it. still holding out hope that some writer will someday retcon the planet back into existence. but destroying Vulcan was random, gratuitous and stupid. i lost more sleep over ST XI than over any other film i've ever seen (and i wouldn't even call myself a Trekkie), that's how much the Vulcan thing annoyed me!

  2. Is there going to be a New Post Anytime Soon.
