Thursday 28 October 2010

I feel the need...

I think the one thing worse than not knowing how to start a blog is not having an idea for a blog when you really want to blog! Its so frustrating!

Before I go on, I point your attention thus >>>>>>
I set up a poll! The sidebar of my blog was looking a little sparse so I'd foster some blog/audience interaction. If you read this, I command you to state your allegiance to one of the great internet clans! I think I'll be doing a poll every two weeks to give people a chance to respond to it. Hopefully my next poll will be a bit more imaginative! The old internet standby of 'Pirates or Ninjas' is a bit worn, so I thought I'd throw in a DFTBA reference for good measure.

Well, that's wasted some space in this non-blog. I still don't really know what I'm writing here. I want another spark of genius to come like it did for Monday's blog about how much I cant stand pirates, but I think that's this month's creative spark worn out. Fortunately next month is just round the corner!

Seeing as I currently have absolutely no idea what to blog about....

That's right, its participation time! 

If you want, you can leave a comment and I'll try to write a half decent blog about what you suggest. That or ask me questions and I shall answer them to the best of my ability. I don't expect I'll get that many topics, but just one would be awesome!

If you've gotten this far I seem to have successfully made you read a blog post that isn't really about much, so yay me! Also yay you for getting all the way through! This is your reward:

A blog about Doctor who perhaps?



  1. Pointless questions:
    - First pet?
    - What colours are you wearing now?
    - Weirdest thing you've eaten?
    - Where've you gone on holiday? (or favourite holiday)
    - Close your eyes and grab an object near you. What is it?
    - Closest pink thing?
    - Most awesome thing you own?
    - On the pointless scale of 4-12, how pointless is this?
    - Why?
    - "Well do ya, do ya do ya wanna?"
    - How many times have you listened to the whole DFTBA playlist now?
    - What's your favourite song on the playlist?
    - "Do you like me, yes or no? Do you think that I am cute? Would you date me? You can say maybe. I just have to know!"
    - Where is your phone atm?
    - Is pineapple meant to be on pizzas?
    -Chocolate or sweets?
    - Where is your favourite place to be?
    - Would you like a hug?
    - Close your eyes and think of a colour. Did you really close your eyes?
    - Favourite colour?
    - Favourite animal?
    - Favourite youtuber?
    - Should I stop asking questions now? :)


  2. random geek question: which bothers you more, Russell T Davies' destruction of Gallifrey or JJ Abrams' destruction of Vulcan?
