Saturday 11 September 2010

New Blog-ginnings

I apologise for the pun in the title, I know its ghastly but I actually had an idea for once so I went with it. In retrospect, not such a great idea.

I've decided to start up a blog, evidently, and now have no ideas for what to write! Ideas are fleeting things, especially when it comes to writing stuff! I suppose an introduction is in order for those who do not know me. My name is Josh, I'm a 20 year old Christian, gamer and student; in that order. I study Games Technology at the University of the West of England in Bristol, I'm shortly going into my third and final year. That's about all there is to know right now. Odds are the posts on this blog will be disjointed and random, but potentially awesome.
This blog is here as much for me as it is for you, the reader. Blogging has this attractive cathartic quality which partly what drew me to the idea, but really it was the influence of a friend that made me start up proper. This friend is Hannah, who I met on camp this year, and is a most awesome friend to have made. She too blogs, her blog is I urge you to go and read it because it is invariably better than my own attempt at blogging :)

That's the end of my first post on the blog. Maybe the title should have been "FIRST!!!!!111!!1 lolz"? No matter, both titles are terrible :).

Until next time, DFTBA readers :)

1 comment:

  1. FIRST!!!!!

    Just thought I'd get that out of my system :P

    Oh, and I expect more mentions, more blogs, and more following the sacred rule of Nerdfighteria: DFTBA :P

    x :)
