Friday 24 September 2010

Decisions, Decisions

A week is far too long a time to not blog, so its bloggering time! When I was thinking about what to write, I considered decisions and what makes us choose the things we do over other things we don't do, which took me down an interesting thought path, and this is what I came up with:

After a length of thought, I discovered that my decision making process seems to be oriented around 3 initial-isms. Cue the subheadings!

Criteria 1: W.W.J.D
This is a pretty obvious one to be honest, as a Christian, all my decisions should focus on bringing God glory and the best example we as humans have of this being done well is the account of Jesus' life in the Bible. Jesus lived a perfect life on Earth, so as a Christian I need to do my best to emulate that, impossible as it is. This is the first criteria for decision making - What would Jesus do?

Criteria 2: W.W.C.P.D
This is not so obvious I think, I'm really flying my nerd colours here when I say it stands for...

What would Captain Picard do?

In all seriousness, Captain Picard, despite being fictional, is one of my heroes (and is clearly better than Kirk). Picard always made the right choice for his crew and his ship and in every episode he always sorted everything out. Master diplomat, master tactician and generally master of everything he put his mind to (including Ocarina playing and awesome dancing). Some of you, (and by some I mean Hannah, who is woefully uneducated in all things Star Trek) might say, 'Why not someone else? Like the Doctor maybe' And to this I say this: Captain Picard is just a man (like Flash). Yes the Doctor is awesome and always sacrifices his own well-being for those around him, but he's an alien. Plus he has the unfair advantage of a)Time Travel, B)Regenerating and C)Having scores of girls falling at his feet. Emulating Captain Picard is a lot easier than emulating a Time Lord because he may be larger than life, but hes still just a man. He didn't get bitten by a radioactive captain to become captain Picard, he worked for it. You get out what you put in I suppose

Criteria 3: DFTBA
This isn't so much a criteria as it is an order after reaching a decision, like saying 'Right, now you've decided, Don't Forget To Be Awesome about it' As a junior Nerdfighter and all round nerdy guy, awesome factors into my life in a lot of ways, so I need to output a lot of awesome to maintain the awesome quota. Whatever I decide, it need to be done Awesomely

So, my decision process laid out for all to read! Hope that wasn't completely uninteresting

DFTBA readership, thats an order!

P.S. I am aware of the lack of pun in the title, its hard to think of puns about decisions! Next post will be a double-pun-title-spectacular!

1 comment:

  1. must admit i'm much more into Who than Trek generally, but you do have a point about emulating Picard.
