Thursday, 30 September 2010


Begin the Quoting!

Firefly + Serenity:

'My food is problematic' - River Tam, The Funeral

'I swallowed a bug' - River Tam, Serenity

'This is the captain. We have a...little problem with our engine sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then...explode.' - Malcom Reynolds, Serenity

'Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing? - Zoe Washburn, War Stories
'Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.' - Shepard Book, War Stories

'I swear by my pretty floral bonnet: I will end you.' - Mal Reynolds - Our Mrs. Reynolds

Star Wars:

'Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope.' - Leia, A New Hope

'Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?' - Leia, A New Hope 

'Use the Force, Luke' - Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope

'Luke, I am your Father' - Darth Vader, Empire Strikes Back ( SPOILERS! :p )

'Impressive, most impressive' - Darth Vader

'I love you!(Princess Leia)'  'I know (Han Solo)' - Empire Strikes Back (Two Parter)

Star Trek:

'Space. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no-one has gone before' - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

'Engage' - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

'Make it so' - Captain Jean-Luc Picard

'It is a good day to die!' - Lieutenant Worf

'What would Captain Picard do?' Commander Will Riker

'KHHHAAAANNNNNNN' - Captain James T. Kirk - Wrath of Khan

Monty Python:

'What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?' - The Bridgekeeper, Holy Grail

'Is that a European or African swallow?' - King Arthur, Holy Grail

'We are the Knights who say "Ni"! ' - Knights who say Ni, Holy Grail

'Bring Forth the Holy Hand Grenade!' - King Arthur, Holy Grail

'Your Mother was a Hamster, and your Father smelt of Elderberries!' - French Taunter, Holy Grail

'There are some who call me....Tim' - Tim the Enchanter, Holy Grail

'He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!' - Brian's Mum, Life of Brian

'And now for something completely different' - John Cleese, film of same name


"Pokemon, what happened to you?" - Alex Day, song of the same title

"Yes it's true that I once went through life as a guy who always had to rhyme life with strife
 Yes I've been burned and I've been spurned and through all this I have learned that love is not
 about whether you get stabbed but how slow the knife gets turned" - Hank Green, A song about an Anglerfish


'88 Miles per Hour!' - Doc Brown, Back to the Future

'I'll be Back!' - T-1000/Arnie - Terminator 

'If I were a Megalomaniac, and I'm not, THAT's where I would be' - Cortana, Halo 2

'This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face' - Rorschach, Watchmen

'Transform, and Roll Out!' - Optimus Prime, Transformers

'If you guys are us guys, what number are we thinking?....69 Dudes!' - Bill and Ted + future Bill and Ted,  Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure

'Most Excellent!' - Bill and Ted, Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure

'Snakes, why did it have to be snakes' - Indiana Jones, The Raiders of the Lost Ark

'Go Go Gadget Rollerskates!' - Inspector Gadget

'You smeghead!' - Lister, Red Dwarf

'The story so far: In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move' - Narrator, Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

'So long, and thanks for all the fish' - Dolphins, Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy

'I wouldn't want to go anywhere without my wonderful towel' - Arthur Dent, Hitch-hikers

'D'oh!' - Homer Simpson

'You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.'-  Morpheus, The Matrix 

'Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?'
'It's...OVER 9000!'
'What?! 9000!' - Nappa and Vegeta, Dragonball Z

This is as many as I could get down between yesterday and now, Apologies for the late post, stuff happened to slow me down. Im fairly convinced that Hannah will win, but its up to you commenters! Do me proud :)

Monday, 27 September 2010


The title is a question. The answer is no. Curse my lack of Pun oriented titles!

This is an announcement in a way, me and Hannah (read her blog, its better!) are having a nerd-off!

We are having a competition on how many nerdy quotes we can remember and write down between 8am Wednesday and 10pm Thursday. The blogs will be up here by 10! Its up to you lot to comment and decide who wins!

May the Nerdiest nerd win!

Friday, 24 September 2010

And now for something completely different

I am aware the title is again not a pun, but is in fact a super-awesome nerd reference. Super-TRIPLE-Title-Spectacular next time!

So, Cutlery! Cutlery comes in many forms, Spoons, Knives, Forks etc. And every type of cutlery has a number of subtypes and then there's hybrids and everything! Cutlery is a lot less boring than it initially seems!(no really, it is!) In this post I want to describe the epitome of cutlery, the spork!

Sporks are clearly the best item of cutlery ever, due to being a spoon and a fork AT THE SAME TIME! The only thing that would be better than a Spork is a Sporfe... A combination-spoon-fork-knife! Sporks are also the only item of cutlery that you can both eat soup AND chicken with. (seriously, soup and chicken are the only things I could think of :/). Sporks are so awesome, sometimes they are made out of Titanium. I think you can still buy them from selected internet stores, I have sadly never purchased one though, so Im off to search for an indestructible spork!

So, internet, what do you think of sporks?

I will return to my regular, less random blog format shortly :)

Decisions, Decisions

A week is far too long a time to not blog, so its bloggering time! When I was thinking about what to write, I considered decisions and what makes us choose the things we do over other things we don't do, which took me down an interesting thought path, and this is what I came up with:

After a length of thought, I discovered that my decision making process seems to be oriented around 3 initial-isms. Cue the subheadings!

Criteria 1: W.W.J.D
This is a pretty obvious one to be honest, as a Christian, all my decisions should focus on bringing God glory and the best example we as humans have of this being done well is the account of Jesus' life in the Bible. Jesus lived a perfect life on Earth, so as a Christian I need to do my best to emulate that, impossible as it is. This is the first criteria for decision making - What would Jesus do?

Criteria 2: W.W.C.P.D
This is not so obvious I think, I'm really flying my nerd colours here when I say it stands for...

What would Captain Picard do?

In all seriousness, Captain Picard, despite being fictional, is one of my heroes (and is clearly better than Kirk). Picard always made the right choice for his crew and his ship and in every episode he always sorted everything out. Master diplomat, master tactician and generally master of everything he put his mind to (including Ocarina playing and awesome dancing). Some of you, (and by some I mean Hannah, who is woefully uneducated in all things Star Trek) might say, 'Why not someone else? Like the Doctor maybe' And to this I say this: Captain Picard is just a man (like Flash). Yes the Doctor is awesome and always sacrifices his own well-being for those around him, but he's an alien. Plus he has the unfair advantage of a)Time Travel, B)Regenerating and C)Having scores of girls falling at his feet. Emulating Captain Picard is a lot easier than emulating a Time Lord because he may be larger than life, but hes still just a man. He didn't get bitten by a radioactive captain to become captain Picard, he worked for it. You get out what you put in I suppose

Criteria 3: DFTBA
This isn't so much a criteria as it is an order after reaching a decision, like saying 'Right, now you've decided, Don't Forget To Be Awesome about it' As a junior Nerdfighter and all round nerdy guy, awesome factors into my life in a lot of ways, so I need to output a lot of awesome to maintain the awesome quota. Whatever I decide, it need to be done Awesomely

So, my decision process laid out for all to read! Hope that wasn't completely uninteresting

DFTBA readership, thats an order!

P.S. I am aware of the lack of pun in the title, its hard to think of puns about decisions! Next post will be a double-pun-title-spectacular!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Reach for the stars

I've decided that all of the titles in my blog are going to be ridiculous puns, deal with it :)

This blog comes in two parts, the first about Halo: Reach (see title), the second about a book I've just read called 'Looking for Alaska' by John Green.

So Halo: Reach, or Reach, or the game I've been anticipating for like TWO years came out this Tuesday and I've played it end to end and I have to say, its amazingly good. I thought Halo 3 was fantastic but this really blows it out of the water. Reach has so many improvements its impossible to cover them all, but I will say one thing: JETPACKS! Anyone who understands the gamer psyche will get that jetpacks are akin to the Holy Grail of computer games, at least in Halo. The single player is great, the multiplayer is great and its just generally fantastic! Anyone reading this who a)likes FPS' and b)has an Xbox, should go and get Reach now!

Now for the more sensible part of the post where I go all A-level English student on Looking for Alaska. I haven't really read anything like Looking for Alaska before, so it was a completely new experience for me. I usually read sci-fi stuff or 'graphic novels'(read 'comic books') so Alaska was a big change with regards to my reading habits. By the way, I'll try to keep this spoiler free, which is harder than normal considering the books main event! Alaska is a really good book, hands-down. I enjoyed reading it and will no doubt enjoy reading it again. Looking for Alaska is about a boy named Miles Halter who leaves home to attend a boarding school in Alabama. Here he meets the titular Alaska (the book isn't about looking for the state of Alaska, rather a girl names Alaska, fyi) and other students like his room-mate the Colonel and the rest of the supporting characters. The way the book is physically written and laid out leads up to the pivotal moment in the storyline and then subsequently away from it, which really adds a sense of loss to Pudge's experiences at Culver Creek. The way Pudge and the Colonel deal with the 'event' really shows an insight into how we, as people, deal with the unknown. The characters were all well rounded, the setting was very believable and generally the book was a very good read, I'd reccomend it to anyone in the market for a good book :

I get that this probably wasn't a very cohesive blog, but bear with me. I'm new at this :)

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Recursive post!

blog within a blog :D
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New Blog-ginnings

I apologise for the pun in the title, I know its ghastly but I actually had an idea for once so I went with it. In retrospect, not such a great idea.

I've decided to start up a blog, evidently, and now have no ideas for what to write! Ideas are fleeting things, especially when it comes to writing stuff! I suppose an introduction is in order for those who do not know me. My name is Josh, I'm a 20 year old Christian, gamer and student; in that order. I study Games Technology at the University of the West of England in Bristol, I'm shortly going into my third and final year. That's about all there is to know right now. Odds are the posts on this blog will be disjointed and random, but potentially awesome.
This blog is here as much for me as it is for you, the reader. Blogging has this attractive cathartic quality which partly what drew me to the idea, but really it was the influence of a friend that made me start up proper. This friend is Hannah, who I met on camp this year, and is a most awesome friend to have made. She too blogs, her blog is I urge you to go and read it because it is invariably better than my own attempt at blogging :)

That's the end of my first post on the blog. Maybe the title should have been "FIRST!!!!!111!!1 lolz"? No matter, both titles are terrible :).

Until next time, DFTBA readers :)